It’s the perfect accompaniment to meals across the
world, and plays a key role in global food supply.
The potato, first introduced by Spain in
the 16th century, is now the world’s
fourth-largest food crop. But there’s
no room for complacency, as the
South Australian Potato Company well
knows, so the business decided it needed some
cost-trimming to achieve a seamless field-to-fork
philosophy. “Despite the bad rap that potatoes
sometimes get, they are virtually fat free and have
40% less carbohydrates than cooked pasta or
rice,” the company’s maintenance manager Jay
Dawson says. “Potatoes are also gluten and
cholesterol free, and contain more fibre than five
bananas.” The South Australian Potato Company
is an independently-run business situated in
Mount Barker, with a team comprising of more
than 100 employees who help to grow, pack and
market more than 60, 000 tons of fresh potatoes
for consumption each year. “Exclusive to the
South Australian Potato Company, and what’s
made us famous, is the Kestrel Potato which is
instantly recognisable by its smooth white skin
and unique purple spots,” Dawson says. “The
purple skin markings are formed naturally by
antioxidants called anthocyanin, the flavonoid also
found in other superfoods such as blueberries.”
Dealing with all those potatoes annually requires
quality automation by reliable suppliers to ensure
‘always-on’ productivity and extreme care with
this produce. When looking to kit out its factory -
which does everything from washing and sorting
to weighing and packaging potatoes - The South
Australian Potato Company looked to SMC. As
well as an excellent broad product range, superior
technical expertise, factory maintenance plans, a
reputable brand, innovative and trend-driven, the