Metal detection is an inspection process that can
occur at several points throughout the production line.
The primary purpose of installing metal detection is
to identify ferrous (magnetic) and non-ferrous metal
contaminants in your product, for example aluminium
and stainless steel.
FT490 This, as in most forms of
Hit all your inspection targets
Improve inspection results with the world’s only
multi-spectrum metal detector. CEIA’s unique
technology achieves the highest sensitivity to
smaller metal particles by applying a broad spectrum
of frequencies simultaneously and continuously.
Easily and accurately distinguish between metal
contaminants and product effects with no reduction
in sensitivity.
More detection frequencies mean more sensitive
metal detection and fewer product effect errors. Only
CEIA MS21 multi-spectrum metal detectors use many
frequencies simultaneously.
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inspection, is primarily
for the quality control of
your product and ultimate
consumer protection…however metal
detection units can also be used to
protect machinery throughout your
production line.
The smallest metal fragments can
lead to machinery malfunction,
resulting in revenue decreases due
to the need for production downtime
to perform repairs, as well as the cost
of the repairs themselves. CEIA is the
world’s largest manufacturer of metal
detectors, with more than 90,000
units installed. Its metal detectors
are built to rigorous quality control
standards, with each circuit board
receiving a 200-hour burn-in test
with a Mean Time Between Failure
rate of 70,000 hours, typifying CEIA’s
reputation for reliability in all operating
CEIA is the only metal detector
supplier in the world that uses multispectrum
technology, allowing it
to employ multiple frequencies
simultaneously, whereas all other
competitor metal detectors can
only use one frequency at the same
time. What this means in the case
of a single frequency unit is that the
sensitivity needs to be reduced to
prevent false reject signals caused
by salt, moisture content and other
product effect conditions that may
produce a signal on the metal detector.
As the CEIA multi spectrum
technology utilises multiple
frequencies at the same time it can
understand the product effect better
than any other, to then allow maximum
metal detection performance and
outstanding detection capabilities –
not only that, it’s also FDA Part 11
Multi-Spectrum, model THS/MS21
detectors accurately differentiate
between product effect and metal
contaminants with no need to reduce
sensitivity. They are extremely
versatile and suitable for all product
types for horizontally conveyed foods,
free-falling products and pipeline
applications with or without automatic
Single high power frequency, model
THS/21 detects metal contaminants
accidentally present in food products,
with excellent levels of sensitivity,
high immunity to interference and
fast response speeds designed to
satisfy the strictest quality control
requirements. They are suitable
for very high sensitivity inspection
of dry, non-conductive products in
horizontally conveyed and free-falling
configurations with or without a reject
Three frequency Economical,
model THS/21E-3F provide excellent
results on multi-product lines, where
flexibility is required. They are suitable
for horizontally conveyed, free-falling,
and pipeline applications of dry/neutral
Single frequency Economical,
model THS/21E provide excellent
results on similar product lines and
is suitable for those with a more
conservative budget in mind. They
are suitable for horizontally conveyed,
free-falling and pipeline applications
of dry/neutral products.
Heat and Control are returning
to Foodtech Packtech in 2018 to
showcase their latest and most
innovative products.
For more information, go to www.heatandcontrol.com or
email info@heatandcontrol.com. Stay up to date on Twitter
(@heatncontrol), LinkedIn or Facebook (search Heat and Control Inc).