Bay of Plenty kiwifruit growers Mark and Catriona
White have been named the new national
ambassadors for sustainable farming and growing
by the New Zealand Farm Environment Trust.
A decade ago, the couple established a 5.85ha
section of a former organic dairy farm near Opotiki
into the Coastal Kiwis Orchard, and judging
panel chair Dianne Kidd from Helensville says
they are outstanding strategic and agile thinkers
with strong primary sector and community leadership
New Zealand Food Technology, 172 x 246 mm, Ergomodul, CC-en21-AZ102 06/18
We do more.
qualities and a respect for Maori principles
of kaitiakitanga. “They are strong users of
evidence-based science and technology in their
business and orchard, and demonstrate a broad
global market understanding and a real energy
to be agents of change,” Kidd says. The orchard
is BioGro certified, with 3.19ha of Zespri Organic
Green kiwifruit and 2.65ha in Zespri Organic
SunGold. Ambassadorial duties will include an
overseas study tour.
experimental technology that didn’t
have regulatory approval – now
we’ve got the first approval it will
open up commercial opportunities
for manufacturers.” The next step
will be the innovation expected from
skippers and fishermen over the next
10 years through increasing usage
of the technology. “While the team
is focused on completing the work,
we need to get approval for other
species, including inshore species
like snapper. We’re also working on
the exit planning needed for 2019
when the PGP programme ends.”
Precision Seafood
Harvesting is a $44 million,
seven-year Primary Growth
Partnership (PGP) between
MPI and three fishing
companies - Moana New
Zealand, Sealord Group
and Sanford Limited - to
develop new fishing
technology based on
science from Plant & Food
Research. The investment is
split between MPI and the
three fishing companies.