What do you do if your engineering business manufacturing for
clients such as Fonterra, that has been around 40 years but want
to ensure that you’re around for another 40 to come? You analyse
your business infrastructure and then you invest in that future.
That’s exactly the position
Auckland-based Stainless
Engineering (formed 1976)
found themselves in. The
company’s managing director Leanne
Morris, along with key staff, looked at
what they needed to future-proof the
company and improve upon current
Enter JFY and a new TFC-3015S
(3kW) CNC laser cutting machine.
The unit was installed in October last
year and features a Trumpf TruDisk
laser generator, good stability and
high cutting speed, high-efficiency
anti-reflection function and the ability
to cut high-reflection material.
Add to that a positioning speed of 169
m/min - due to a direct servo motor
with high torque - and acceleration of
up to 2g through adaptive lightweight
structure. Ease of use is ticked off too
thanks to a detailed cutting database
“JFY and national sales manager
Francis Lee have assisted immensely
in the set up of the unit and also in
helping the operator get the most out
of it,” says Leanne, who took over
the role of managing director of the
stainless steel fabrication company
from co-founder Geoffrey Morris.
“With our work covering anything
from stainless steel tanks, industrial
processing equipment, pipework,
installation, repairs and maintenance
and covering a wide variety of
industries within food and beverage,
dairy, chemical, water, pulp and
paper, pharmaceutical we need to be
flexible and add cost savings where
possible,” she says.
“With have a variety of jobs from
long term contracts to immediate
production breakdowns, we are now
able to control our own production
and react immediately if required with
no delays.”
Why JFY?
Fundamentally, says Leanne, the local
support that came with the purchase
of the machine was a major factor in
the purchasing decision of the brand.
“Secondly, the laser cutter’s size and
“With our work
covering anything from
stainless steel tanks,
industrial processing
equipment, pipework,
installation, repairs and
maintenance and covering a
wide variety of industries
within food and beverage,
dairy, chemical, water, pulp
and paper, pharmaceutical
we need to be flexible and
add cost savings where
possible.” Leanne Morris,
Stainless Engineering’s
managing director.
36 MARCH 2019