configuration of the design,
in which the screening drum
is installed horizontally semisubmerged
in line with the
incoming wastewater. The plate
at the back of the drum directs
flow radially through the mesh to
optimise solids separation and
The rotary drum is manufactured
from either self-cleaning
wedgewire for primary screening,
or perforated plate for fine
pre-membrane bioreactor (pre-
MBR) screening. It is washed by
a system of spray nozzles at a
moderate pressure.
An internal hopper collects the
screenings, which are flumed
out to the integral lifting and
dewatering screw, to efficiently
dewater and reduce screenings
volume. The lifting screw is
shaftless to avoid any blockages,
even in the presence of long rags
and fibrous products and includes
screen and screening washing.
Lifting and screenings handling
can also be conducted outside
the channel, which increases
options for additional washing and
dewatering, according to individual
applications, says Mr Bambridge.
“Screening and the solids lifting
and dewatering are separate
operations, using high efficiency
screening technology to convert
the high-flow, low-solids
wastewater to low-flow, highsolids
dewatering. Separate
screening and lifting equipment
makes access simpler for more
cost-effective housekeeping and
maintenance for lower whole-oflife
costs,” he says.
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