The Packaging Forum is a member-based organisation
representing the breadth and depth of the packaging industry.
We work together with members to:
Advocate for policies that achieve
the highest sustainability outcomes
Collaborate to advance sustainable
research so that all packaging
will be recyclable, re-usable or
compostable by 2025
Adele Rose, chief executive,
3R Group; Packaging Forum
programme managers.
Design + Deliver Solutions to
enable members and consumers to
do the ‘right thing’
Promote solutions that enable
packaging to be waste free by 2025
Join us to work together on industry solutions to meet
consumer demand and government regulation. |
There is little doubt that the world
is changing, and there are few
industries in New Zealand where
change is being demanded as
quickly as in packaging according
to Adele Rose, chief executive; 3R
Group, programme managers of The
Packaging Forum.
“The unprecedented focus on the
waste produced by it undoubtedly
presents challenges, but also
opportunities such as innovation
in design, greater efficiency, and
increased social licence to operate,”
she says.
“There is no escaping the fact
that packaging is an integral part
of our lives. It ensures quality and
food safety and reduces damage
and spoilage. However, it can also
be harmful to our environment if
incorrectly disposed of.”
The Packaging Forum is what
Adele describes as the country’s
foremost member-based packaging
organisation, representing the depth
and breadth of the industry. Last
year the Packaging Forum presented
its vision that by 2025 there will be
no packaging waste going to landfill
in New Zealand.
“The Glass Packaging Forum, Soft
Plastic Recycling Scheme, Public
Place Recycling Scheme, and Rigid
Plastic Stewardship Project all fall
under the umbrella of The Packaging
Forum – offering a full spread of
stewardship options across the
packaging landscape.
“These solutions and our ‘Pledge
2025’, for waste free packaging,
are even more relevant following
Associate Minister for the
Environment Eugenie Sage’s
announcement in August seeking
feedback that packaging, along with
five other products, be declared
priority products under the Waste
Minimisation Act 2008. This was
followed by her announcement in
September that work has already
begun to design a beverage
container return scheme.”
If the balance of packaging is
declared priority product, regulated
product stewardship schemes
will have to establish and current
schemes would need to be
strengthened to follow any new
regulatory guidelines.
“The Packaging Forum and our
members work hard to achieve all
the benefits of packaging for society
while minimising any potential
harm. We do this by supporting
evidence-based policies which
deliver the highest value sustainability
outcomes; circular solutions based in
New Zealand which maximise quality
and quantity; collaboration with all
stakeholders; industry-led solutions
and a focus on the full packaging
She says that the public also has
an important role to play to ensure
packaging is disposed of thoughtfully,
utilising the best options available.
Therefore, promoting consumer
and end-use responsibility to do the
right thing is an important part of the
Forum's work.
“Now, more than ever, the packaging
industry needs to work collaboratively
to ensure the best commercial and
sustainable solutions are found.
“We all have our part to play. Will you
join us?”
38 NOVEMBER 2019