Sustainability has long been
an aspirational ‘buzz’ word
for industry - something
we’d all like to work
towards. People and companies liked
the way it sounded, and the way it
made them feel about their impact on
the environment.
But, says Wiley, industry being
a hectic place has meant that
everyone lacked the requisite time to
pause and pivot to the sustainable
operations that aligned to our
values. While the term has been
thrown about, it is only in recent
years we have seen industry’s
intent start to action change in food
processing projects. Wiley has
worked extensively with businesses
in the food industry, delivering
sustainable solutions and working
with companies to achieve their
sustainability goals internationally.
“In the last few years, we have
started to see widespread adoption
of sustainable methods, particularly in
the meat industry. The meat industry
has a lot of ‘low-hanging-fruit’ when
it comes to opportunities to improve
their sustainability. From rendering
facilities, introduction of covered
anaerobic lagoons (CAL’s), to biogas
and renewable energy (there’s lots of
land to add solar), there’s opportunity
aplenty and also an expectation due
to a perceived reputation.”
Currently, Wiley adds, we still see the
opportunity sitting within the meat
industry within the food landscape
of New Zealand. As well as biogas
and renewable energy solutions, the
process could be evolved to support
a more sustainable model. Currently
a snapshot would be; transport of
the live animal, slaughtering, chilling,
processing (break down), freezing,
transport (ship), potentially further
process (generally offshore where the
extra value is added) - all of which
consume great amounts of energy.
“When we think of the red meat
industry; do we need to reconsider
the processing model itself for
optimum efficiencies, outcomes and
sustainability? Are modular abattoirs
the system of the future? There’s a
lot to ponder and numerous roads
Wiley is constantly working to bring
the best advice and technology to the
food industry. With seismic changes
rattling through the consumer food
landscape and the energy industry,
Wiley is excited to work with industry
and academic leaders to help bring
innovations to the food industry.
“If you are interested in a sustainable
solution for your food processing
facility, we welcome your call. We are
Dunedin-based with a team across
New Zealand, backed up with global
20 JUNE 2020