Sealed Air
accepts 2025 plastics circularity challenge
We've seen lots of change in recent times and despite the uncertainty,
change also means opportunities for new discoveries and new ways.
The road to 2025 and
plastics circularity
is much the same; a
journey that allows
Sealed Air to grow
and discover.
“What lies ahead with our plastics
pledge is truly exciting. But as
we pioneer our way to plastics
circularity, we can’t afford to detour
from the great sustainability inroads
packaging has enabled so far,”
says Alan Adams, Sealed Air’s
director sustainability (APAC).
and processing waste.
Customers have witnessed step
changes in their operations when
making the switch to solutions
that drive sustainable profits.
Solutions including Cryovac brand
Darfresh on tray has enabled meat
processors to extend shelf life up to
35 days and for poultry processors,
this solution has also enabled a
shelf life extension of 25%, vs
MAP. What’s more, its zero scrap
packaging platform eliminates
film scrap, enabling processors
It’s about protection
and solving customers’
critical packaging
Close to its heart, Sealed Air’s
packaging portfolio enables a
processing and distribution value
chain that is efficient and less
wasteful. Across Australia and New
Zealand’s food and e-commerce
supply chain, the adoption of new
packaging formats has enabled a
significant reduction in food, goods
to reduce packaging use by 40%
while diverting less processing
scrap to landfill.
“The waste hierarchy philosophy
is well entrenched in how we work
and it starts by using less materials
to begin with,” comments Alan
Adams. “In doing so, you demand
less from the supply chain and
drive efficiency for end of life
outcomes. Think about Sealed Air’s
pad-less Cryovac brand HydroLoQ
tray. The tray design retains and
contains product purge and
12 JUNE 2020