than cows. Given that 18% of
greenhouse gas emissions is a
result of livestock production,
cricket’s growing popularity should
result in a significant lowering of
Nutrient dense
Crickets are extremely nutrient
dense, containing 69% protein,
vitamin B12, Omega 3, iron,
potassium and calcium. Their
digestibility is higher than that of
plant proteins, making it easier for
the body to extract and absorb all
those nutrients. Given the busy
lives lead by most people and the
impact of good nutrition on mental
and physical health, the need
for accessible, easily prepared
nutrients is great.
Versatile and
Given their mild, nutty flavour,
crickets are extremely easy
to incorporate into meals and
smoothies; sweet or savoury.
Alternatively, Grilo energy bars
are an extremely convenient and
delicious means of meeting daily
protein requirements.
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