block the
CST’s simpler, smarter inline rotary fine
screening of industrial and municipal
Advanced wastewater
34 OCTOBER 2019
fine screening
technology being
introduced by
CST Wastewater
Solutions is designed to curtail
blockages, spills, maintenance
and associated OH&S issues in
municipal and industrial WWTP
The robustly engineered
horizontal in-channel rotary drum
screening technology is designed
to simplify fine screening
processes for both industrial and
municipal wastewater treatment
plants (WWTPs), throughout
Australia and New Zealand.
The in-channel design – with
low fluid head loss at peak
flows for increased solids
removal efficiency – is used
on wastewater flows ranging
from municipal plants through
to applications involving food,
beverage, abattoirs, tanneries,
pulp and paper, textile plants,
manufacturers and many more
The low-maintenance highquality,
stainless steel design is
custom-engineered for conditions
in Australia and New Zealand,
where initial projects are proving
when dealing with fine screening
of larger flows (5mm or less
screening on flows up to 2000
l/sec flow) include mechanical
simplicity, self-cleaning and high
efficiency screening for reduced
maintenance and cheaper wholeof
life costs compared with other
types of screens, such as band
and inclined drum screen designs,
for example,” he says.
Key to this functionality is the
configuration of the design,
in which the screening drum
is installed horizontally semisubmerged
in line with the
incoming wastewater. The plate
at the back of the drum directs
flow radially through the mesh to
optimise solids separation and
The rotary drum is manufactured
from either self-cleaning
wedgewire for primary screening,
or perforated plate for fine premembrane
bioreactor (pre-MBR)
screening. It is washed by a
system of spray nozzles at a
the technology in municipal and
manufacturing applications,
says CST Wastewater Solutions
managing director, Michael
“Advantages of this technology
Functional layout of CST
Wastewater Solutions’
in-channel rotary drum