Federated Farmers
continues to support
the Ministry for Primary
Industries’ determination
to track down the
source of the Mycoplasma
bovis cattle disease
which has triggered
New Zealand’s largest
and most expensive
biosecurity response.
“Farmers need to
know how it got here,”
Federated Farmers dairy
sector chair Chris Lewis
says. Finding out how
Mycoplasma bovis got
into New Zealand is not
only vital to prevent
further incursions of
Mycoplasma bovis, but
may also reduce the
risk of other pests and
diseases that decimate
other countries from
breaching our borders.
“Mycoplasma bovis has
had a significant effect
on the farming sector
and farming families
and will continue to impose
significant stress
on farmers, industry,
MPI and the entire
Any legal breaches contributing
to the arrival
of Mycoplasma bovis
in New Zealand will
be deeply concerning,
the Dairy Companies
Association of New
Zealand (DCANZ) says.
“Biosecurity rules are in
place for good reason
and there is absolutely
no excuse not to follow
them,” executive director
Kimberly Crewther
says. “DCANZ supports
MPI conducting a full
investigation into any
alleged legal breaches.
We will also support
MPI taking strong
compliance action if the
current investigation determines
there is cause
for this to occur.” If not
eradicated, the disease
will have long-term
costs for both farmers
and regions. 59