10 MAY 2018
‘OUR NO.1’
New research has found that
many New Zealand consumers
are unaware of the high levels
of Campylobacter contamination
of fresh chicken, and most
want safety labelling about
the risks on poultry products.
A University of Otago study,
published in the international
journal BMC Public Health, found
that only 15% of consumers are
aware that most (60-90%) of
fresh chicken meat for sale in
New Zealand is contaminated
with Campylobacter - a bacteria
that causes campylobacteriosis,
a severe form of gastroenteritis
that hospitalises around 600
New Zealanders each year and
paralyses an estimated 30 others
with Guillain-Barré syndrome.
The researchers also assessed
the quality of current chicken
labelling in supermarkets and
butcheries, and identified
major deficiencies in the
safety information provided to
consumers, with butchery labels
in particular lacking any chicken
The US Apple Association,
in an interactive tournamentstyle
competition, called on
American apple fans to vote
for their favourite from 16
different varieties. Kiwi grower
T&G Global had three premium
apples in the competition, but
JAZZ and Pacific Rose lost out
to Envy, thrilling the company.
US Apple director of consumer
health and media relations
Tracy Grondine says ‘Munch
Madness’ provided consumers
a fresh and creative opportunity
to learn more about apples,
celebrating 16 US varieties
by sales. Envy was born in
New Zealand through natural
plant-breeding methods by
have once again
selected New
Zealand-born Envy
apple as their
all-time favourite,
blitzing the
competition for a
second year.