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Difficult weather conditions have affected
Fonterra Cooperative Group’s New Zealand
milk collection, with pasture quality and feed
growth rates contributing to the 4% fall.
The co-operative collected
135.3 million kilograms
of milk solids in February,
down from 140.9 million
kgMS a year earlier, taking the
season-to-date collection to 1,171
million kgMS (down 2% from a
year earlier). “Collection volumes
decreased in most regions in
February, as the impact of difficult
weather conditions continues to
affect pasture quality and feed
growth rate,” Fonterra says in
its monthly global dairy update.
“Despite more favourable weather
conditions recently, the cooperative
still expects its New Zealand
milk volumes to be down for the
year.” Fonterra forecasts annual
collection to be 1,480 million
kgMS, with a farmgate payout
of $6.55/kgMS reflecting better
global dairy prices. The dairy
company reported a first-half loss
of $348 million, including a $405
million impairment charge on its
Beingmate Baby & Child Food
investment and a $183 million
settlement with Danone over the
botulism scare in 2013. But while
Fonterra’s New Zealand production
is down, its collection across
the Tasman jumped 30% to 11 million
kgMS in February from a year
earlier, taking the season-to-date
tally to 111 million kgMS, up 28%.
MilkTestNZ is a world leading laboratory using
highly automated processes and advanced
technology. The operational set-up of the
laboratory allows for fast throughput analysis
of up to 25,000 samples per day, with peak
season exceeding that. A range of milk types
are tested, including cow, goat, sheep, buffalo
and deer milk. In addition to the standard milk
tests required for farmer payment and milk
quality purposes, MilkTestNZ has expanded
its testing scope to include milk products and
residue testing. This extended capability is a
result of the strategic alliance that has been
formed with Analytica Laboratories. MilkTest-
NZ has established itself as an independent
laboratory providing high quality results with a
rapid turnaround time. The in-house technical
expertise and investment in innovation and
operational efficiencies allows MilkTestNZ to
meet the ever-changing needs of customers.