While Countdown
in New Zealand is
intending to limit
the sale of energy
drinks to those older
than 16, Beneo Asia
Pacific sees a new
market opening up
within the fitness
industry with its slow
release carbohydrate
Palatinose (generic
name isomaltulose).
The market for sports
nutrition products
is growing strongly
in the Asian region
according to Beneo.
In Asia Pacific, sports nutrition is
expected to grow with a CAGR of
9.5% between 2018-2023, driven
by awareness of issues such as
obesity and diabetes, as well as an
increasing number of consumers
taking up sporting activities.
In China, over the past five years
the compound annual growth
rate in the sports nutrition market
reached up to 40%, a figure
higher than that of the global
and US market, and the overall
size of China’s sports nutrition
market reached US$329 million.
32 AUGUST 2019
With such growth in Asia, it is no
surprise that the global market
for sports drinks is predicted
to reach USD 5.92 billion by
2021, a significant growth
from 2016 when the market
was worth USD 4.62 billion.
The importance
of slow released
like Palatinose
Consumers today are spoilt for
choice, with a plethora of sports
drinks claiming to increase energy
levels and endurance, available at
most stores and vending machines.
Presently, most of these sports and
fitness- related products on the
market contain ‘fast carbohydrates’
such as maltodextrin, glucose
syrup and sucrose, which releases
glucose into the bloodstream
quickly and generally suppress
fat oxidation. While suitable for
those in need of instant energy,
high-glycaemic carbohydrates are
not ideal for achieving balanced
energy levels throughout the day.
There is, therefore, a market
opportunity for products
that contain slowly released
carbohydrates that enhance fuel
management and endurance
and deliver glucose in a
balanced and sustained way,
such as Beneo’s Palatinose
(generic name isomaltulose).
This slow release carbohydrate,
which is derived from sugar beet,
is unique because of its molecular
structure. It consists of a glucose
and fructose molecule – like
sucrose. However, in contrast
to sucrose the linkage of the
molecules is much stronger, which
means that the human body can
still digest it fully, yet more slowly.
As a result, the full carbohydrate
energy (glucose) is provided in
a more steady and sustained
way. The blood glucose levels
stay balanced without sudden
ups and down and this also
helps to burn fat more effectively.
An increased fat burning rate
means that the body burns fat for
energy, thus ensuring that active
consumers can draw on their
carbohydrate reserves for longer.
Shifting the focus
from carb utilisation
to fat burning
Looking at Beneo’s recent
consumer research, fitness
consumers can be divided into
three main groups – “Athletes”,
“Regular Actives” and Sportive
Eaters”. Consumers from each
group exercise for different
purposes and at varying intensity
levels and therefore react differently
to nutrients consumed. Despite
the difference in physiological
needs, however, slowly released
carbohydrates play a monumental
role across all three groups.
Consumers who compete and train
regularly in competitions fall under
the “Athletes” group. Efficient
fuel management is vital for this
performance-driven group as they
try to gain an advantage over
opponents by competing faster
at longer durations. Palatinose
helps to boost the endurance level
of these athletes as it supplies
steady and sustained energy
and promotes fat oxidation.
The “Regular Actives” group
includes consumers who exercise
recreationally three times a week
and consume sports products
to support their active lifestyles.
One in three consumers falls
under this category globally, so
it is an important demographic
for food manufacturers. Some
of the priorities for this group of
consumers include maintaining a
healthy body weight, improving
body tone and preventing illnesses.
Due to its ability to keep blood
sugar levels and insulin balanced
Palatinose can improve the fat
metabolism of these consumers.
As insulin is a storage hormone,
fat storage will be minimised while
fat fuel will be optimised. In the
long term, these consumers will
benefit from less fat accumulation.
The “Sportive Eaters” group is
made up of consumers at the
opposite end of the spectrum
to athletes. This group strives
for indulgence but with fitness
characteristics, with their food
and drink purchasing decisions
mostly influenced by weight loss
motivators. They seek energy