David Yeung Ed Silk
26 NOVEMBER 2018
north-eastern Spain, hires workers
who are at risk of social exclusions
and trains them for employment.
Since 2002, it has helped provide a
livelihood to more than 100 people.
Josenea Bio produces a range of
organic herbs, aromatherapy and
cosmetic products.
6Blockchain has the opportunity
to revolutionise
supply chains for agricultural
products. Trust and transparency
are the major sustainability benefits,
according to ScanTrust’s Tim
Hadsel-Mares. Examples are given
on how blockchain technology is
deployed for olive oil, coffee and
7 Vegan and vegetarian trend
- Demand for vegan and plantbased
foods has become
global. Green Monday’s David
Yeung says 22% of Hong Kong’s
population (1.6 million) now practice
Green Monday and go vegetarian
each Monday. The move has saved
900,000 tonnes of carbon emissions,
375 billion gallons of water
by avoiding the meat of 300 million
animals. Yeong has also set up six
Green Common shops that specialise
in plant-based foods in Hong
Kong. ProVeg International’s Verena
Wiederkehr says that global sales
of plant-based meat alternatives are
rising by 8-10% per year. She sees
the biggest growth for such products
in China, UAE and Australia. A
growing number of companies are
adopting third party labels, such as
Vegan Society and ProVeg.
8Know thy target customer.
According to Bulletproof’s Ed
Silk, consumers see complexity,
confusion and contradiction
in the sustainable food industry.
Brands need to target their customers
more effectively if they are
to succeed. He gives the example
of Quorn, which re-positioned
itself from a vegetarian to healthy
eating brand to broaden consumer
appeal. The re-positioning is part of
the brand’s ambition to generate
USD$1 billion sales.
Sustainable Foods Summits next
year are in San Francisco in January
and Amsterdam in June.
Erik Does Shir Friedman
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