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FT-Annual Directory 2018-eMag 129 in species in New Zealand waters could include more invasive species and possibly new diseases that could affect local ecosystems. However, there may also be an upside…tuna could be more plentiful in our waters because they prefer warmer waters and other fisheries may also benefit. In New Zealand we’re on the border between the warmer water, where things are moving from, and the cooler water, where things are moving to. Therefore, we won’t be as hard hit as some of the islands in tropical regions where continual warming will reduce numbers of fish and plankton. The Earth Systems Models used by the scientists provides the best data ‘for now’ but their global scale means they provide information at low resolution. This paper is a first look at what these models suggest future conditions might be around New Zealand. But if we want more information we need to develop our own models that can give us more precision and greater resolution on a spatial scale. The aim of the paper is to inform the public and policy makers that conditions are going to change. People tend to think of climate change from a terrestrial angle but obviously, as the ocean is a big part of the globe, there will be significant changes. As it’s also a significant part of New Zealand’s Exclusive Economic Zone, we need to start planning for this now.

FT-Annual Directory 2018-eMag
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