L I O N ’ S D E N MEET Amie Duan F R O M B Y B E R R Y B I S C U I T S Age: 25 Currently: Application Technologist, Hawkins Watts NZ and part-time BSc(Hons) student at The University of Auckland Aims: To develop a new, convenient supermarket gluten-free biscuit enriched with antioxidant and dietary fibre that would add to the current range of products for Coeliac Disease individuals. Contact: dto004@aucklanduni.ac.nz More info: www.hawkinswatts.com The gluten-free food boom has shown staggering growth, with global value sales doubling from 2008-2013, but it hasn’t stopped there. This sector saw another 17% growth in 2014 and a further 12% growth in 2015; with the global gluten-free food value sales now sitting at US$3.2 billion. In New Zealand the gluten-free value sales are currently US$3.6 million (see graph left). With now increased awareness and better diagnosis of Coeliac Disease (CD) it has become a greater driving factor for this growing market trend. Probably the greatest development in gluten-free over the past few years has been the drive for convenience. Previously only basic products such as bread, pasta, flour and perhaps a cardboard textured pizza base, could be found on supermarket shelves. Nowadays, everything from speciality cakes to ready meals is available in gluten-free options. A strong interest has been shown in creating better gluten-free options in the bakery sector, with the key categories being breads, biscuits and breakfast cereals both on a global and New Zealand scale. There is also a need for products to be functionally gluten-free. A more concerted effort to tackle low nutritional value products needs to be addressed. Health professionals have long criticised manufacturers of gluten-free foods for churning out products made from highly refined starches and gluten replacers such as xanthan gum. With the protein trend in full swing, and meat in the doghouse, consumers are on the hunt for meatless ‘healthy protein’ to be free from gluten as well. The awareness of health benefits of dietary fibre is also increasing with diet-conscious If you are a young food technologist with a great idea that you are developing, let us know and get your product 40 APRIL 2016 or service pitched through the Lion’s Den. Contact the editor at kcalvert@hayleymedia.com.
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