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PACKAGING ASIA CONFERENCE 27 Australasian packaging and processing THE WINNER IS machinery businesses will for the first time be a presence at a major Asian conference in June. The Australian Packaging & Processing Machinery Association (APPMA) will launch its inaugural two pavilions at ProPak Asia 2016, to be held on June 15-18 in Bangkok. The two pavilions will showcase the best of Australasian manufacturers and distributors to the Asian market in an affordable and painfree way. Spokeswoman Nerida Kelton says companies such as Rhima, Confoil, Accupack and HMPS have already signed up to exhibit, with other APPMA member companies such as TNA and Fibre King taking part in other areas. “ProPak Asia is Asia’s no.1 international processing and packaging trade event for Asia’s expanding food, drink and pharmaceutical industries,” she says. “ProPak Asia consistently delivers the best results, high quality and quantity trade visitors from across Asia, and visitors see and buy the latest technologies, machines, products and services.” Last year’s ProPak Asia presented its biggest-ever event, with more than 1600 exhibitors from 44 countries, and 14 international pavilions from Australia, China, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Spain, Taiwan, United Kingdom and the USA. It showcased more than 4500 machines from across the world on more than 45,000 sqm. ProPak Asia 2016 has a focused approach for the industry with six dedicated zones, including DrinkTechAsia, FoodTechAsia, Lab&TestAsia, PackagingMaterialsAsia, PharmaTechAsia and PrintTechAsia. FOR SUSTAINABILITY The packaging industry is under pressure from regulators, customers and other stakeholders to improve packaging’s sustainability by reducing its environmental and societal impacts. This is a considerable challenge, because of the complex interactions between products and their packaging, and the many roles that packaging plays in the supply chain. This book is a concise and readable handbook for practitioners who are trying to implement sustainability strategies for packaging. Industry case studies are used throughout, to illustrate possible applications and scenarios. It draws on the expertise of researchers and industry practitioners to provide information on business benefits, environmental issues and priorities, environ- Under Pressure: Sensors in Hygienic Conditions WE UNDERSTAND HARSH ENVIRONMENTS. For more information please visit or call 0800 222 278 (Tollfree). SICK Quarter Page Advertisement INOX.indd 1 3/06/2014 11:27:19 AM FT045 Achieving reliable results even under difficult conditions is particularly important in food production and processing, because supplying contaminated or inedible food can result in considerable financial losses and serious damage to your reputation. The demand for longer shelf lives for packaged foods is one of the biggest challenges faced in the industry, which in turn has a direct impact on packaging and cleaning processes as well as the design of machinery. When it comes to the development of efficient sensor solutions for the hygiene sector, the standard requirements of process and factory automation must be taken into account. Process automation demands the use of rugged materials and the capacity for thorough cleaning, while rapid response times, minimal housing, straightforward commissioning and remote sensor parameter adjustment are key factors within factory automation. Together this results in synergies and benefits that are relevant for the development of efficient sensor solutions, and can be implemented in the construction, commissioning and day-to-day operation of rugged, precise and intelligent machines. SICK offers a wide range of corresponding solutions which are tested and certified for use in the food industry. For more information, visit: or telephone tollfree 0800 222 278. by Karli Verghese, Helen Lewis and Leanne Fitzpatrick (Springer, available from the Australian Institute of Packaging) AUSTRALASIA REPRESENTED FOR FIRST TIME AT The winner of a copy of Packaging for Sustainability, thanks to the Australian Packaging & Processing Machinery Association is JAMES MORREN of Contour Packaging in Tauranga. mental evaluation tools, design for environment, marketing strategies and challenges for the future.

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