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PROFILE OF SUCCESS Ruark Redwood, left, and Mathew Tharakan have taken up the challenge of rebuilding Redwood Engineering from the ground up – they treat every hurdle is a stride towards a brighter future. FORGING A RELATIONSHIP FOCUSSED ON DRIVING AN INNOVATIVE FUTURE Becoming a statistic within the engineering industry was something that Ruark Redwood and Matthew Tharakan were adamant to avoid. The danger with next-generation business was evident and they didn’t want to see Ruark’s father’s and grandfather’s business disappear into oblivion as the industry has seen of late with a number of seemingly entrenched family-built engineering firms unable to adapt and evolve - and suffering the consequences because of it. Instead, Ruark and Mathew partnered up and got the help of a business mentor. They also got on board with a new supplier of machinery. Now, two years on – together - the Auckland business is engineering itself a very different future. 2 Profile of Success 2018

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