DAIRY SPECIAL www.foodtechnology.co.nz 21 ¤ Food Safety Cleaning ¤ Industrial Cleaning ¤ Industrial Painting ¤ Bird Proofing ¤ Building Maintenance ¤ Grounds Care For more information phone 09 2621696 www. u n i q u e s e r v i c e s . c o . n z ¤ Email enquiries to sales@uniqueservices.co.nz ¤ Paul: 0274 864 785 Cleaning and treating large roofs are some of the major jobs Unique Services tackle, yet this segment of building maintenance is very often overlooked by customers and relegated to the “if we can’t see it, it doesn’t matter” basket. Unfortunately the exact opposite is true. Dirty and unsightly roofs may not be visible to the owners or tenants, but are highly visible to neighbours and passersby and, as such, make a lasting impression on them. Atmospheric contamination and dust build up on roofs leads to the growth of moss and lichen or the germination of mould spores, depending on the type of roofing material, amount of sunlight on specific areas and the orientation of the structure to prevailing wind and rain. If these contaminated areas are not dealt with on a regular basis, they can lead to irreparable HM073 damage to the roof and possible loss of productivity. The worse the contamination is, the greater the cost to rectify or treat. Unique was recently called upon to inspect the roofs of a large number of buildings owned by a private school. It recommended a solution/treatment and prepared a quotation for remedial work, and an inspection was carried out by the company’s qualified roofing team which found a wide disparage, with some areas only needing a light clean but a large number heavily contaminated with lichen requiring serious attention and consequently remediation. The situation was compounded by access to the various roofs, ranging from straight-forward to some requiring use of a knuckle boom. Consideration also needed to be given to the type of treatment, as heavy duty waterblasting was not an option for a variety of reasons. It was decided that the best option was to treat the roofs with Sanitas TC. This highly-concentrated moss and mould treatment is very effective against lichen, when power blasting with hypochlorite is not an option. The Sanitas TC is simply diluted to the correct ratio and then applied by low pressure spray to saturate the area to be treated. No further action is necessary, although very badly contaminated areas may require a second application. A quotation for each individual building was submitted by Unique, along with relevant JSAs. This allowed the client to prioritise and programme a maintenance schedule for all necessary work and, as a result, Unique secured the contract and the programme is now underway with both parties looking forward to a mutually beneficial relationship. DIRTY ROOF SYNDROME Before After
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