We are on Since 1950 OvER sixTy FivE yEARs OF iNNOvATiON & wORLD-CLAss sERviCE With manufacturing facilities and sales offices worldwide, Heat and Control supports manufacturers with experience, expertise and resources to develop the most value driven and efficient solutions for any food production challenge. Processing + Packaging Systems Snack | Process Prepared | French Fry | Conveying Seasoning + Coating | Weighing + Packaging Inspection | Controls + Information FT054 44 MAY 2016 NEWS SNIPS P R O C E S S I N G GET MORE OUT OF FOOD HEATANDCONTROL.COM www.heatandcontrol.com | e: info@heatandcontrol.com Feb16_NZFoodTech_102x286_H&C.indd 1 4/01/2016 11:49:25 AM Kiwi mini Abattoirs in the Middle East: Napier Engineering & Contracting has designed and built for application in the Middle East a new product series of mobile and modular compact abattoirs. The extendable abattoirs have been approved for use in New Zealand by the Ministry of Primary Industries. The miniaturised abattoirs are specifically designed for use in hot climates where there is considerable wastage of foodstuffs (as much as 20 per cent in India) between farms and retail outlets. The modular components of the mobile abattoir can be aggregated and clipped together to adjust to the required throughput. Additional components and services can be added and subtracted as required. Optional extras include effluent capability, power generation, and varying capacities of water reticulation. Sauerkraut cannery cited for safety violations: A food processing company faces $US143,550 in federal penalties after an employee fell more than three metres into an empty vat and broke multiple bones. GLK Foods, the world’s largest sauerkraut manufacturer, was cited for the fourth time in five years for exposing workers to fall and machine hazards. Following an inspection, the U.S. Department of Labour’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) issued one wilful, two repeat, five serious and one other-than-serious safety violations to the cannery in Bear Creek, Wisconsin. The company was given 15 business days to comply. Membrane Demand Rocketing: The global market for membranes for food and beverage processing was worth more than $4 billion in 2014 but is expected to reach $5.8 billion by 2020. Microfiltration as a segment of this market is expected to grow from nearly $1.6 billion last year to $2.2 billion in 2020, while reverse osmosis will grow from $903.9 million in 2015 to nearly $1.3 billion by 2020. The market is primarily driven by Asia-Pacific, North America and Europe. Membrane technologies used by the food and beverage processing industry include cross flow membrane technology and hollow membrane technology. Emerson has announced the release of the Rosemount CT5100 continuous gas analyser, the world’s only hybrid analyser to combine Tunable Diode Laser (TDL) and Quantum Cascade Laser (QCL) measurement technologies for process gas analysis and emissions monitoring. Detecting down to sub ppm level for a range of components, the CT5100 can simplify operation and significantly reduce costs. Unlike traditional continuous gas analysers, the machine can measure up to 12 critical component gases and potential pollutants simultaneously within a single system, meeting local, state, national and international regulatory requirements. www.EmersonProcess.com/GasAnalysis/QCL It’s official…not only will fast food make you fat if over-eaten, but it might also set off the presence of potentially harmful chemicals with “great public health significance.” George Washington University researchers say people who eat fast food have significantly higher levels of certain phthalates, commonly used in soap and makeup to make them less brittle, and linked to male infertility. However, the danger is not in the food itself, but rather the process by which the food is prepared. “We’re not trying to create paranoia or anxiety, but I do think our findings are striking,” study author Assistant Professor of Environmental and Occupational Health Ami Zota says.
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