MAKE SURE YOUR CLAIMS DO YOUR PRODUCT JUSTICE. Times have changed, you can no longer say whatever you want about your product. All nutrition content and health claims now have a government regulated framework. If food and beverage is your business, we can guide you through these changes and help you identify, secure and maximise your health claims to maintain your product’s competitive edge. LEVERAGING KIWI KNOW-HOW JAWS.CO.NZ Contact Peter Brown, PhD Head of the Food and Beverage Innovation Team +64 9 914 6740 An Opportunity not If you’re a health food or health-giving food sector player, chances are your enterprise is booming in a time of heightened interest in what we eat. However, if you have a health claim attached to your product, you now need to ensure that it is backed by certain pre-approved nutritional profiles that protect customers. New Zealand is a country that tends to brand itself as clean and green, but was lagging behind JWS0028 - NZ Food Tech Print Ad .indd 1 28/01/16 4:25 pm 9 FT005 Europe and Canada on the regulation of health claims, now as provided by Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ). Anyone will be able to recall times spent standing in a supermarket aisle reading statements such as ‘calcium for strong bones’ off the side of a bottle. Statements like this previously had no regulatory framework in this country, and some do not have scientific research to back the claim. That’s all now changed. We’ve had a very generous three-year lead-up to comply with the new standards, but we are predicting there will be plenty of products that will fall short. But don’t panic…this is an opportunity rather than a hurdle, and will offer New Zealand companies the chance to identify, secure and maximise competitive edge. Health claims are big business, and you are risking it all if you don’t get onboard. Contact James & Wells food and beverage innovation team, and get to grips with what your company can do to secure itself as a legitimate leader in your genre. Call us on 0800 INNOV8 or on our website: TO BE MISSED Product health claims now need to be verified to protect customers
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